Happy Thanksgiving from Bellingham Dental Group
Break out the turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie! It’s time to come together over tasty holiday foods with those we’re all closest to and give thanks for everything and everyone special in our lives. There is no doubt that Thanksgiving is a special time year. Whether you’re up early to watch the parade, excited about the big game, or you just can’t wait to feast on all of your favorite holiday foods, there is always something for everyone to be thankful for.
This year, Bellingham Dentist Parker Haley and Bellingham Dental Group are thankful to be part of such an amazing and wonderful community. We appreciate each and every single one of our patients, friends and neighbors, and we look forward to growing within Bellingham as part of this great community.
Bellingham Dental Group would also like to take this opportunity to ask that we all keep our less fortunate families in mind during this holiday season. The holidays can be an extremely stressful time of year for a struggling family. And nobody is beyond falling on hard times. We can all do our part to help out and it doesn’t take much to make a grand difference. A great place to start that everyone can always donate to is the local Bellingham Food Bank.
Another way we can all help out is to put together care packages for people we may encounter in our daily lives who might be homeless, cold or hungry. A small bag with bottled water, a couple healthy snacks like granola bars or a sandwich and non-perishable items like toothbrush & paste, gloves, socks, band-aids, hand warmers, etc. could make an unimaginable difference to someone on the street who may have nowhere to go. Keeping a couple care packages in your car could make you a hero to someone in need. Let’s all work together this year to make this a great holiday season for all.
Lastly, Whatcom County has seven free Thanksgiving meals served in the area throughout this week in Bellingham, Blaine, and Ferndale happening Wednesday through Saturday. Please visit The Bellingham Herald for all the details.