Pregnancy is tricky when it comes to hormonal changes. One day you can be puking in the toilet the next you can be craving Dairy Queen Blizzards and tacos from Taco Bell. (thats how my wife was) But the point is when a woman’s body is going through so many changes during pregnancy, the last thing on your mind is oral health. We know the everything the mothers ingests goes through the body and into the baby. Whether it’s nutrients from food or chemical compounds from drugs the baby is getting a dose. Well how about bacteria?
Instead of going into the intricate details the basics is a healthy body when generally lead to a healthy baby. This includes the mouth! We are not suggesting you need a full mouth rehab, but it is extremely important that your mouth is healthy enough to get through pregnancy. Please see your local dentist ASAP or simply give us a call: (360) 734-6190 and schedule an appointment.